Why I Started A Blog From Scratch

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This is probably the first question that people will think when they read this. I’m quite a quiet person on social media and traditionally don’t like to put myself out there too much. So why on earth would I want to start a blog?

I have more time on my hands

The first reason is that I’ve had a lot more time on my hands recently and decided to try and put it to good use. I’ve always been a person who enjoys having a project to work on and I wanted to try and push myself into something I’m more uncomfortable with, putting my work out there for everyone to see (and hopefully enjoy!).

I’ve also been inspired by other people my age starting their own sites and businesses. I’m planning on going into further detail on this in a future post because I don’t want to do them the disservice of only briefly mentioning their efforts in the opening post on my new site, but safe to say there’s a lot of people out there doing some really great things and putting themselves out there in a way that I really admire and have decided to try and emulate.

I want to see if I can do it

Another big reason for starting this site is to simply see if I can do it. During my job in digital marketing I have developed a really passionate interest in web development and have taught myself how to build websites from scratch. This is the reason that this site is not created with a website builder, I have written almost all of the code myself to test my ability at creating websites.

That being said one of the ideas that I was really set on when I decided to make this is that I wanted as much feedback as possible, especially if you notice any glitches or bugs in the site, please fill out the feedback form (the only bit I didn’t write myself) located at the bottom of all article pages.

I am planning on updating the form to be written solely by me at some point in the future, but I wanted to make sure everything worked as it should on the main area of the site before I did that. This is very much an ongoing project, so expect to see changes and improvements in the coming months, and please keep giving me as much feedback as possible.

And lastly, I think I just needed a creative outlet. It’s tough being in your twenties with a full time job and keeping all the plates spinning and having an outlet like this is really therapeutic and something that I hope people enjoy. I’m really hoping to collaborate with people on this as well, so if you ever have an idea of something you would like to write about and need a place to post it, please drop me a message about it! I have rambled on for a bit now so I will wrap this up. I hope you enjoy the site and come back to see the things I (and hopefully others) are writing about!

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